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Justin Bieber's fame takes a hit on college campuses

While Justin Bieber has more fans than most celebrities, there are people out there that actually disdain the teen pop star, and the reasons behind this are really no mystery.
Bieber might be the object of affection for the majority of teen girls, but there is a large group of the male teen population that hate even the mention of the teen pop star’s name. So what does the average "Justin Bieber hater" look like?
According to Kansan.com, the males on the college campuses across the nation have nothing but disdain for the teen crooner. Is it because he is rich and famous? Probably not, many college kids have celebrity idols who are both rich and famous, with many of their idols coming from the music business. 
One of the theories about the origin of Bieber haters is that he has been made the pop icon of his generation by the girls only. The fame of this pop star has been totally driven by the female population of this age group with the males basically having no say. The rebellion against Bieber might have something to do with this, which would be more about what he stands for than the person himself, according to Kansas.com.
Justin Bieber is not the first teen celebrity to be hated by male teens in history, another kid named Justin felt the same wrath from his male peer group over a decade ago. When Justin Timberlake was the favorite of teen girls, the teen boys felt the same about him that they do about Bieber today, but why? Both these Justin’s are clean-cut, don’t get in trouble and are actually good role models. 
Bieber doesn’t need to be the tough testosterone driven male teen that boys seem to aspire to as role models. He is confident enough to wear just about anything that strikes his interest from pink boots to pink sweaters. It is not hurting his image with the ladies because while doing this, he has one of the hottest girlfriends on the face of the earth, so it works for him.
The college aged male population tends to make their music idols out of musicians that are offering a more masculine type of music, such as rap or heavy metal. Bieber is very different than what the teenage boys want to relate to. 
Teen girls have gravitated towards celebrities like Bieber in the past. David Cassidy, was the baby boomer version of Bieber and Timberlake is a later version of Cassidy, with many other Bieber types in between that have won over the hearts of teenage girls. 
These heart-throbs have something in common, which is their looks and mannerisms. They all tend to have a touch of feminine qualities about them. Whether it be the way they wear their hair, or the softness in their voice, they are not the epitome of masculinity, which is what many teen boys are striving for at this time in their life. This is a time that they are defining who they are to the rest of the world and Justin doesn’t fit into the image they are going for.
With the girls going ga-ga over Bieber, there is also a bit of jealousy entering into this hate they are feeling for the teen heart-throb. While hate is such a strong word, and these kids are considered “haters” today, hopefully when they get a bit more mature, the word “dislike” will replace “hate” especially when referring to another human being.

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